Archive for February, 2013

Arena.Xlsm Preview: Achievement List Revealed!

To celebrate the upcoming release of Arena.Xlsm, I am now revealing the 36 unlockable achievements within the game. This is a preview of just some of the things you’ll be able to do while playing Arena.Xlsm.


Arena.Xlsm Closed Beta Invitations Are Now Being Sent!


The Closed Beta invitations are now being sent out to the lucky few who have expressed interest in previewing or testing Arena.Xlsm prior to the release date in March 2013. The invitations are being sent out over the next 7 days.

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Spell Preview: Summon Angelic Horde


This spell is a personal favourite of mine from Arena.Xlsm. Summon Angelic Horde: Summon a horde of angels to kill the enemy. The angels will just take care of it, no problem at all.


Arena.Xlsm Programming Complete!

Today marks a major milestone in the development of Arena.Xlsm, the full-length video game made entirely in Microsoft Excel. I have now completed all of the programming for every mechanic in the game and development is now focused on polishing, balancing, and narrative. As a result, I will now be releasing some teaser images before the full release. I hope you’re intrigued!


Cary Walkin

Hi, I’m Cary Walkin. This is my site. It’s on the internet.